assortment of foods, but I was really
craving each of these things. This dish really represents the influence of two different parts of my life. Clearly the Beans and Rice are coming from there respective influence which is growing up in California, specifically Santa Rosa and the Mexican population that it has. The other being the fried chicken and potato salad, coming from my mom's side of the family stemming from recipe's that have been passed down from generation to generation. To my surprise they actually go together pretty well. For the black beans this was my second attempt at making them from scratch, not a can. it turned out that second time was the charm. They turned out really good. The Mexican rice or Spanish rice or whatever it is that you call it turned out so good as well. Everyone has there own opinion and name for it. I got the recipe to make it from a Mexican family after having it at there house therefore I will call it Mexican rice. This is my first time making this kind of rice and to my surprise came out really good, even to my roommate who is also Mexican and several other people that I would consider bigger authorities on the subject then myself. The fried chicken and potato salad are also personal favorites of mine. Though simple recipes they do the trick very well and always turn out really good.