Guinness Draught (The one you find in bars all over the U.S.) In the picture this is the can all the way to the right:
This one is obviously what started it for me and was the one that got me hooked on the beer in the first place. However When I drink this one I taste notes of Creamy Chocolate. Very smooth as it goes down, definitely does have a bite to it, but rather makes you want to bite it back because it is so thick. The taste of roasted barley is what is noted the most i think. However if you have never tasted roasted barley you wouldn't know what to call it, the best you could really say is that it has a dark taste. That dark taste is the roasted barley, in my opinion. It affects the back two sides of my tongue when I take a drink, that is the point that it tends to linger on once it hits my tongue. Overall though it is a very good filling beer, definitely the kind that I recommend you order when out with some friends in a casual manner and you are looking to hang out and talk.
Guinness Extra Stout (Bottle in the Middle with the cream colored label):
Crispy is the first thing that comes to mind when I take a drink. Lighter then the original has a very crisp bite to it. Still manages to have that typical choco taste which I am starting to believe is part of the signature taste that a Guinness beer is going to have. Yet very nice, maybe not the kind of thing I would order on a cold day or at night but definitely something I would reach for on a hotter day.
Guinness Foreign Extra (Yellow label, all the way to the right):
This one is typical sold in the Caribbean, where the journey takes longer to finally reach it's destination. The are more hops in this select beer and they definitely are present in the taste. My first taste led me to think; Darker (WOW!)
I was not expecting that. A lot stronger, has more of a bite then the original Draught but still has that typical signature guinness taste lingering in the background. Much richer yet the balance of sweet and bitter is pretty good. It is definitely noticed but doesn't give the sense that it is to bitter or to sweet. In fact the sweetness is done really well with this beer, yet takes a little time to pick up on. Where the previous two are about 4.7% alcohol this one is at 7.5% and definitely shows. Maybe I wouldn't order this one all the time but definitely for special occasions with people and possibly paired with a heavier steak would be quite nice, something with a lot of pepper and spices to it.