Top Left: Pesto, Asiago, Parmesan, Cheddar Melange and Mozzarella cheeses. Yellow Bell Pepper, Mushroom, onion, cherry tomatoes and Oregano and Fresh Basil.
The Pesto is what definitely made this one special. As a simple spread it brings another taste besides the cheese that leaves your taste buds running around to the next best thing.
Front Middle: Asiago, Parmesan, Cheddar Melange and Mozzarella cheeses. Yellow Bell Pepper, Mushroom, Cherry tomato and Oregano and Fresh Basil.
This cheese combination is definitely very nice. Plenty of flavors that do not over power the vegetables. The Oregano is a great addition as a dried herb, because it holds its own ground amongst a combination of such profound flavors.
Back Right: Asiago, Parmesan, Cheddar Melange, Blue Cheese and Mozzarella cheeses. Yellow Bell Pepper and Mushroom.
This one stood out with help by the blue cheese. Blue cheese seems to bring a salivation to the mouth in preparation for that particular taste that cannot be duplicated. The Blue cheese also threw in that extra factor that keeps it standing out from the rest.
All three were so good.
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