Friday, July 8, 2011

Building bridges between countries

The color of this sandwich is really what stands out the most to me, besides the flavor. There is a toasted sourdough bread with Asiago cheese, Fried egg, sauteed mushrooms, and green onions. The mushrooms were sauteed with garlic and Turmeric and hot oriental mustard powder. The combination of the two powders is what gives it the beautiful orange, neon yellow colors. I used the same pan after the mushrooms to fry the eggs and that is where the color on the eggs is coming from as well. The heat from the mustard powder was not very big, indicating that I need to use more next time, but there was a different kind of heat in the flavor of the mushrooms which I am giving credit to the mustard powder for.
Doing things like this I have found will increase the flavor so much, like the eggs in this case. The juice and flavors from the mushroom stay in the pan once they have been removed and transfer over to the eggs. Such a good combination!
Turmeric is most commonly used in areas of the south and south west of Asia. It is primarily used in a lot of Indian and Middle Eastern dishes.

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