Sunday, September 12, 2010


So I went to the outdoor market the other day and picked up a head of Kale that this lady was selling at a really good price. I have never really cooked with Kale before and was under the impression that it would be similar to spinach, but was surprisingly wrong. I tried sauteing it a bit with some salt and pepper. It did not wilt at all, but once I ate it I was blown away. It might not be one of those things that everyone will love but I really liked it. It had a chewy texture to it, that was not to much but enough to make me feel like I was eating something with some substance rather then spinach. When you saute spinach it wilts and becomes almost like nothing when you eat, although spinach is on my list of things to eat I just wish it had more to it. I surprised to find out that Kale does. The flavor as well was very good. Overall it is one of those dark green leafy vegetables that holds it's own. I did a little bit of research and found out that when you steam it you actually increase it's digestive working properties for your body, as well as helps improve digestive properties on a genetic level, which I thought was very interesting.

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